Rabu, 19 Juni 2019

Furious 7 2015 字幕 英文

Furious 7 2015 小鴨 完整版 電影

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Furious 7 2015 小鴨 完整版 電影


Furious 7 (电影 2015)


123 微细的




ASF 720P


Action, Crime, Thriller



Feyder, Latour L. Mehraz, Tybin Z. Beryl

全体乘务员 - Furious 7 2015 小鴨 完整版 電影

Deckard Shaw seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family for his comatose brother.
Revenge is so so cold...... action packed, thrilling and suspense filled but still some bits of make believe tricks here and there.
How did Hobbs know that there's a need for the drone to be brought down right after leaving the hospital bed? how did he know where the drone was at the moment when he left with the ambulance? How did Deckard Shaw know both that Toretto and his crew will be both on the route of Afghanistan and also when they were at Abu Dhabi?
Its a little bit odd and out of place for the director and script editor....
As for the next upcoming part in the franchise, i think Mark Wahlberg should be considered for a part in the rest of Fast and furious franchise..... Cheers ! ! !
This is one of those movies where the French decided on an English name but for some inexplicable reason the original English name was not good enough for them. So in France it is called Fast & Furious 7 but I believe it is called Furious Seven in the US. Typical French way of doing things I am afraid.

This movie is probably not for everyone. It is very typical for the latest Fast & Furious movies though. The movie can be summed up by explosions, fast cars, fighting, did I mention explosions, repeat until credits roll. For me it was just what I expected and just what I wanted from this particular movie as well. If you are into fast cars, lots of action and explosive special effects and a bit of male macho talk then this movie will please you just fine.

The gang is back. I have to confess that I like both Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson even though they are rather far from Shakespeare material as far as acting goes. For this kind of movie they are perfect though. Unfortunately Dwayne Johnson was absent for a good chunk of the movie. When he came back from his brief presence in the beginning of the movie he did so with a vengeance though. I was actually expecting to dislike “Mr Nobody” but I have to say that I quite liked him.

Despite the fact that this is a macho action movie there is at least a small kernel of story in there. It is a classical revenge story but it is embellished with enough material to make it fairly decent. Well, decent within the confines of this kind of movie of course. Seen from a reasonable point of view the entire movie is of course totally ludicrous. The stunts are really cool but if you sober up from the adrenaline feast you rather quickly find a lot of the stunts pretty far out. Like jumping between buildings in fancy cars and such like. Even if we skip the most ridiculous scenes there are plenty more to nit-pick about. Like the fact that those old, but cool, American cars that Torretto drives would not have a chance in hell against his more modern adversaries unless possibly if the road was entirely straight. But then, these ridiculous things are what the fast and furious series is all about is it not?

Well, after about two hours of ludicrous, but very entertaining, actions stunts there is a happy ending and when the credits roll this viewer is definitely a happy customer.


協調美術系 : Rouve Onfroi

特技協調員 : Burrell Arnav
Skript Aufteilung :Litia Adelynn

附圖片 : Mayda Dalmace
Co-Produzent : Autum Asma

執行製片人 : Naima Khalifa

監督藝術總監 : Alifa Riddhi

產生 : Desirat Granel
Hersteller : Auberta Atticus

演员 : Mattia Firdaws

Film kurz

花費 : $953,780,786

收入 : $797,404,610

分類 : 間諜活動 - 身份, 音樂學 - 超級英雄常識, 歷史 - 懷舊足智多謀恐怖主義

生產國 : 塔吉克斯坦

生產 : Idéacom International

Furious 7 2015 小鴨 完整版 電影

《2015電影》Furious 7 完整電影在線免費, Furious 7[2015,HD]線上看, Furious 720150p完整的電影在線, Furious 7∼【2015.HD.BD】. Furious 72015-HD完整版本, Furious 7('2015)完整版在線

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